Ch.5 How To Reframe Your Awareness in Therapy

Ch. 5 How To Reframe Your Awareness in Therapy

Chapter Five

It’s not uncommon for individuals to feel that their level of self-awareness might somehow hinder their progress in therapy. Perhaps you’ve been told that you’re “overthinking things” or “too analytical” for traditional therapy approaches. But does this mean therapy isn’t for you?

Table of Contents

The Power of Self-Awareness in Therapy

Firstly, it’s essential to recognize that awareness is a powerful tool on the path to healing. Understanding your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors can provide invaluable insights into your inner world and how you interact with the external environment.

Challenges of Overanalyzing Emotions

However, like any tool, awareness can have its challenges and limitations. One potential challenge is the tendency to overanalyze or intellectualize emotions, leading to a disconnect from the emotional experience itself. This can create a barrier to accessing deeper layers of healing within therapy.

Self-Criticism and Perfectionism

Additionally, excessive self-awareness might breed self-criticism or perfectionism, hindering the ability to embrace vulnerability and imperfection—essential elements of the therapeutic process.

Yet, the idea of being “too aware” for therapy is not a dead-end but an invitation to explore alternative modalities or therapeutic approaches that resonate with your unique way of processing and experiencing the world.

Expanding Your Therapeutic Options

There’s a vast array of therapeutic modalities designed to meet individuals wherever they are on their journey. If you resonate with the notion of being “too aware” for traditional talk therapy, consider exploring modalities like mindfulness-based therapy, somatic experiencing, or expressive arts therapy. These approaches offer alternative paths to self-discovery and healing, often bypassing the limitations of verbal communication or cognitive analysis.

Remember, therapy is a collaborative journey between you and your therapist. It’s about finding the approach that aligns with your unique needs, preferences, and strengths. Your therapist is there to support you, whether you’re delving into the depths of your emotions or exploring new avenues of self-awareness.

Reflecting on Therapy Challenges

If you find yourself grappling with the urge to stop therapy due to feelings of being “too aware,” it’s essential to pause and reflect on the underlying reasons driving this impulse. Are there specific aspects of therapy that feel challenging or uncomfortable for you? Are there unresolved issues or fears that are surfacing in the therapeutic process? Taking the time to explore these questions with your therapist can provide valuable insights into your motivations and help you make informed decisions about your therapeutic journey.

Ch.5 How To Reframe Your Awareness in Therapy

Embracing Awareness as an Asset

In conclusion, being “too aware” for therapy is not a roadblock but an opportunity for exploration and growth. Embrace your depth of awareness as a valuable asset on your healing journey, and don’t hesitate to explore alternative therapeutic modalities that speak to your soul. Keep seeking, keep exploring, and remember that healing is a journey, not a destination.

Until next time, don’t forget to take care of yourself.

– – Cat

Table of Contents || Catherine Alvarado, LMFT

Getting Started

Catherine Alvarado, LMFT is a licensed psychotherapist, Certified EMDR Therapist, and Consultant-in-Training (CIT) in Redondo Beach, CA. Beyond the pages of self-help blogs, she offers Individual Therapy, EMDR Therapy, Intensive EMDR, & Adjunct EMDR for teens and adults with anxiety disordersspecific phobias, trauma & stress related issues, & somatic complaints.

If you are experiencing distress, contact Cat to schedule a free phone consultation.  


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