Ch. 10 How Intensive EMDR Therapy Can Transform Anxiety Treatment

Chapter Ten

Intensive EMDR therapy provides a focused approach that targets the root causes of anxiety by processing traumatic memories and reshaping how they’re stored in the brain. Unlike standard EMDR, which typically takes place once a week, intensive sessions can span several consecutive days, allowing for deeper immersion in the therapeutic process. This format is particularly beneficial for individuals who have struggled with chronic anxiety and are looking for immediate relief, as it addresses both the emotional and physical aspects of anxiety in a holistic manner.

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Developing Coping and Self-Regulation Skills

A core benefit of intensive EMDR therapy is the development of essential coping and self-regulation skills. These skills are not only crucial during therapy sessions but also provide tools that clients can carry forward into their daily lives. Intensive EMDR therapy helps individuals recognize and manage their unique anxiety triggers, empowering them to regain control over their emotional responses. During therapy, clients learn to:

  • Identify Anxiety Triggers Specific to Their Experiences: This involves recognizing the specific thoughts, situations, or environments that provoke anxiety. By identifying these triggers, clients can become more aware of how their anxiety manifests and begins to anticipate or prevent potential stressors.

  • Practice Techniques Such as Deep Breathing Exercises, Progressive Muscle Relaxation, and Grounding Techniques: Clients are introduced to a variety of coping mechanisms that can be used both inside and outside of therapy. Deep breathing helps calm the nervous system, progressive muscle relaxation releases tension held in the body, and grounding techniques anchor the individual in the present moment, providing immediate relief from heightened anxiety.

  • Manage Day-to-Day Anxiety More Effectively: With regular practice of these skills, clients become better equipped to handle anxiety in their everyday lives. Over time, they find themselves more resilient in situations that previously felt overwhelming, experiencing greater self-confidence and a renewed sense of calm.

By focusing on these skills, individuals not only find relief during the sessions but also build confidence to handle future stressors. The result is a toolkit of strategies that empower clients to navigate their lives with increased stability and resilience, promoting lasting change beyond the therapy room.

Building Emotional Resilience

One of the most transformative outcomes of intensive EMDR therapy is the enhancement of emotional resilience, which is essential for long-term anxiety management. Emotional resilience refers to the ability to bounce back from stressful or traumatic experiences. Through intensive EMDR, clients are guided to not only address their anxiety symptoms but also to build a robust foundation for emotional strength. Intensive EMDR not only addresses the symptoms of anxiety but also strengthens an individual’s ability to face future challenges with a newfound sense of empowerment and adaptability. This increased resilience plays a vital role in:

  • Fostering Overall Mental Well-Being: By processing and releasing past traumas and negative beliefs, clients develop a greater sense of mental clarity and peace. This well-being permeates all aspects of life, enhancing relationships, work performance, and personal satisfaction.

  • Reducing Vulnerability to Anxiety: As clients become more emotionally resilient, they are less likely to experience heightened anxiety during stressful situations. This resilience acts as a buffer, enabling them to maintain composure and stay grounded even when facing difficulties.

  • Promoting a Sense of Self-Assurance and Emotional Stability: Intensive EMDR therapy helps clients rebuild their sense of self-worth and strengthens their belief in their ability to handle whatever life throws at them. This self-assurance is invaluable in maintaining a balanced and stable emotional state, reducing the likelihood of future anxiety episodes.

Overall, the emotional resilience fostered through intensive EMDR therapy provides clients with the confidence and adaptability needed to thrive despite life’s uncertainties.

Integrating Mind-Body Techniques with Intensive EMDR

Intensive EMDR therapy is uniquely suited to incorporate mind-body techniques, which enhance the treatment of anxiety disorders by addressing the holistic experience of anxiety. Mind-body techniques recognize the interconnectedness of our physical, mental, and emotional states, providing a comprehensive approach to healing. Common techniques integrated into sessions include:

  • Mindfulness Practices to Improve Body Awareness: By engaging in mindfulness exercises, clients become more attuned to the sensations in their bodies. This awareness is instrumental in helping them recognize early signs of anxiety and respond to them proactively.

  • Deep Breathing Exercises to Regulate the Nervous System: Deep breathing exercises are especially useful in calming the fight-or-flight response. These exercises can quickly shift the body from a state of panic to one of relaxation, making them a valuable tool during and after EMDR sessions.

  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation to Alleviate Physical Symptoms of Anxiety, Such as Tightness and Tension: Anxiety often manifests physically, with clients experiencing tightness in the chest, tension in the shoulders, or even headaches. Progressive muscle relaxation helps release these tensions, providing physical relief that complements the emotional processing done in EMDR.

By combining these techniques with EMDR, individuals cultivate a greater sense of calm and control that complements the emotional healing achieved through EMDR. This integrative approach supports clients in managing anxiety holistically, resulting in a more profound and lasting impact on their overall well-being.

Preparing for Intensive EMDR Therapy

Preparing for intensive EMDR therapy involves practical steps to ensure a smooth and effective therapeutic experience. Since EMDR can be an intense and deeply transformative process, setting up the right support system and preparation is essential for a successful journey. Clients are encouraged to:

  • Build a Support System of Friends, Family, or Other Trusted Individuals for Comfort and Stability: Going through intensive therapy can be emotionally challenging, and having a network of supportive people can provide a sense of safety and encouragement. This support can make a significant difference in how effectively clients process and integrate their therapeutic experiences.

  • Engage in Self-Care Practices Like Journaling or Meditation to Approach the Sessions with a Clear Mind: These practices can help clients reflect on their feelings and experiences, providing insight that can be useful during therapy. Self-care also helps clients maintain a grounded state, allowing them to be fully present during their sessions.

  • Understand the Emotional Process, as Intensive EMDR Can Bring Up Strong Feelings, and Having Support Can Aid in Integrating These Insights: Knowing that it’s normal to feel emotional or even overwhelmed during EMDR can help clients approach the process with patience and compassion for themselves. This understanding, combined with a strong support system, can ease the emotional journey and facilitate deeper healing.

By preparing mentally and emotionally, clients can make the most of their intensive EMDR sessions and facilitate deeper healing. With the right foundation in place, they can embark on their therapy journey with a sense of readiness and openness to the transformative power of EMDR.

Choosing intensive EMDR therapy is a courageous step toward healing, and it can be a truly transformative journey. This approach offers not just quick relief, but also the tools and support to foster resilience and bring lasting calm to your life. Through this process, there’s an opportunity to reconnect with a sense of peace and build the confidence to face challenges with newfound strength. Here’s to embracing this path toward healing and to discovering a brighter, more balanced future ahead.

Until next time, don’t forget to take care of yourself. 

– – Cat

Table of Contents || Catherine Alvarado, LMFT

Getting Started

Catherine Alvarado, LMFT is a licensed psychotherapist, Certified EMDR Therapist, and Consultant-in-Training (CIT) in Redondo Beach, CA. Beyond the pages of self-help blogs, she offers Individual Therapy, EMDR Therapy, Intensive EMDR, & Adjunct EMDR for teens and adults with anxiety disordersspecific phobias, trauma & stress related issues, & somatic complaints.

If you are experiencing distress, contact Cat to schedule a free phone consultation.  


Ch. 11 Mapping Trauma’s Effects on the Mind and Body


Ch. 9 Emetophobia: Fear of Vomiting Demystified